
Stock Inventory

Aile Aviation has control over more than 1,000,000 line items in conveniently located all over the globe and most of the time ready to ship the same day. We carry various Commercial rotable and expendable items for the Boeing, Douglas, Fokker, Lockheed and Airbus platforms. Inventory listings or individual parts are available upon request. Please make your inquiries to . If we don’t show current stock please consider that well over 5,490,000 multiple line items passed trough our systems already so you are invited to send us your requirements and we will be able to respond back with our bid within 24 hours.

Structured Distribution Service


To save time, effort and money.

 Aile Aviation Services, Ltd. is proud to announce we are ready to serve you with our:

 Structured Distribution Service

 We gladly offer this service exclusively to our loyal clients, relieving you from some of your daily stressful occupations.

 What does SDS do for you?



Aile Aviation Services Structured Distribution Service

Reduced your storage space, streamlines inventory and accounting

Releasing your valuable working capital! 



Aile Aviation currently represents several repair station’s excess inventories. Most of the stock consignment inventory is in New condition with full trace back to the factory or an approved FAA-EASA source. Aile Aviation is always looking for additional material to consign, purchase or represent. We utilize over 35+ commercial E-portals, strategic alliances and preferred procurement agreements with other various means of marketing inventory through push lists and an exclusive network of large buyers and distributors.


Leasing Packages

Aile Aviation is constantly developing inventory packages for end-user needs. We have the financial and technical resources to develop packages of critical, AOG items located in your hangar to keep your aircraft flying! Contact our team at  at the main office for more information or with specific needs.

Rotable Exchange Programs


Our Company has developed many different exchange programs to assist with cost savings for your operations. Utilizing “Cost Plus” or “Flat Rate” exchange variations, we can customize our relationship with your company to save you time and money. We have full access to many valves, pumps, actuators and flight structure items in warehouses throughout the globe in our supply chain. Contact for more information or a copy of our exchange policies. Let us try to help you avoid expensive outright sale prices with our units that are ready to ship!

24/7 AOG Response


Aile Aviation understands the needs of our industry. We are in a global marketplace that is constantly moving and demands ‘around the clock’ attention. Responsive service is a key element to our success. Our company makes every effort we can to be available every moment of the day. Reliable customer support, for SLA contract partners, is available 24/7 by mailing to , Aile Aviation is there when you need us! Ask for our cutting edge, (SLA) Service level agreement terms and conditions.


Inventory Valuation Services

Our experienced sales staff and consultants have over 145 years of collective industry experience. Aile Aviation has hand selected experts in most every facet of our industry. Due to this experience and historical data that has been collected over the years, we can easily evaluate inventories or other assets inside your warehouse. For more information on this program, please contact to find out that we can help you.

‘Hard To Find’ Part Sourcing


Our Company uses more than the handful of industry standard sourcing websites. We do not give up searching for your requirement until we find a solution. The last response a customer wants from a quality supplier is “No Quote”. At Aile Aviation we do everything humanly possibly to avoid giving our valued customers “No Options”! We believe that if we can’t find the part you’re looking for, no one else can. We turn over every stone and look into every corner of the world we can before we respond. This action generally allows you as the customer the best price and delivery for your requirement.


Provisioning Support


Every professional on staff at Aile Aviation has the ability to focus on you, the customer! We understand the needs for operators to evaluate yearly usage or new aircraft maintenance and equipment requirements. We provide complete bids on provision projects so you can have a “one-stop” supplier when it comes time to procure the items. This also allows the customer more room to negotiate package or volume discount pricing for budgeting purposes. Our structured distribution contracts are top of the bill.


Third Party Repairs Management


Many of our Global clients have utilized Aile Aviation to manage their component repairs. Our company has built many relationships with reputable shops to create discounts and ability to get units repaired quickly. We treat our customer’s asset as if it is our own. Whether we are trying to cut down expenses, improve the turn time or monitor the quality of work, Aile Aviation is a company you can trust to get the job done the right way! Our processing fees for Third Party Repairs Management are minimal compared to the cost savings that can be realized by utilizing us as your elected representative in this capacity.


Aile Aviation Services

Hankweg 93

2641 VW Pijnacker

The Netherlands

Tel:  +31850471299


Chamber of Commerce number: 73534609

VAT number: NL859564009B01

NCAGE code H2HG8

EORI Number: NL859564009

ISO 9001:2015
Approval number(s): ISO 9001 – 00022327