Exchange Services

Flat Rate Exchange

We offer flat rate exchanges on multiple items where you only have to pay a fixed amount.

Please enter the code:

Note: Please fill out the fields marked with an asterisk.

Exchange plus Cost

The exchange plus cost exchange is mostly a like for like exchange where you are additionally charged for the cost to bring your return unit back to the condition of the unit provided.

Please enter the code:

Note: Please fill out the fields marked with an asterisk.

Aile Aviation Services

Hankweg 93

2641 VW Pijnacker

The Netherlands

Tel:  +31850471299


Chamber of Commerce number: 73534609

VAT number: NL859564009B01

NCAGE code H2HG8

EORI Number: NL859564009

ISO 9001:2015
Approval number(s): ISO 9001 – 00022327